RE/33: 33 Fainting Spells Revisited

Dance reconstruction project (2018)
Created and Choreographed by Dayna Hanson and Gaelen Hanson
Reconstruction directed by Dayna Hanson
Reconstruction performed by Madison Rough and Julia Sloane
Creative consultation by Gaelen Hanson and Peggy Piacenza

RE/33 is an ongoing, cross-disciplinary project revisiting the work and impact of Dayna Hanson and Gaelen Hanson’s dance theater company, 33 Fainting Spells. RE/33: 33 Fainting Spells Revisited uses both archival content and contemporary reflection—in both live and digital frameworks—to excavate the impact of the Hansons’ singular, turn-of-the-century company.

In Installment One of RE/33, Dayna Hanson Company dancers Madison Rough and Julia Sloane reconstructed excerpts from 33FS’ debut evening-length work, The Uninvited, at Base. Choreographed by Hanson and Hanson in 1994, The Uninvited reflects a joyfully obsessive collaborative process and vast dramaturgical and movement research.

Support for RE/33 comes from 4Culture and Bossak Heilbron Charitable Foundation.

“RE/33 is not only a window into the time in which these dance works were made, but also a chance to reflect on our contemporary aesthetics.” -Kaitlin McCarthy, City Arts


(photo by Michelle Smith-Lewis)


28 problems


The Clay Duke